Wednesday 19 May 2010


Chromosome is a large macromolecular structure that contains DNA that carry genetic information in cells. DNA wrapped in one or more chromosomes.

A chromosome (in Greek chroma = color and soma = body) is a sheaf of DNA is very long and sustained, that there are many genes and regulatory elements of other nucleotide sequences.

In eukaryotic chromosomes, DNA is not condensed in a quasi-order structures in the nucleus, where it wrapped histones (a structural protein, Figure 1), and where this composite material called chromatin. During the mitotic (cell division), chromosome condensation and metaphase chromosomes called. This causes each chromosome can be observed by optical microscope.

Each chromosome has two arms, a short called p arms (from the French petit, meaning small) and the long arm q arms (q follows p in the alphabet).

Prokaryotes do not have histones or nuclei. In a relaxed state, the DNA accessible to transcription, regulation, and replication.

Chromosome was first observed by Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli in 1842, and characteristics are described in detail by Walther Flemming in 1882. In 1910, Thomas Hunt Morgan proved that chromosomes are gene carriers.

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