Tuesday 1 February 2011

Nico Robin "One Piece"

Nico Robin is the name of a fictional character from the anime and manga series One Piece. He is an expert archaeologist and history of the Straw Hat Pirate Group. He was a quiet woman and very elegant, but also like fashion like Nami and the second person in Straw Hat's most frequently change her clothes after Nami. Habit is wearing a hat, and has a body that is ideal. Weight 48 pounds and her height 182 cm. Take them with a straw hat crew greatest height after Brook and Franky.

Strengths and Expertise

Robin is an expert in Archaeology, History, Geology and Ancient Languages. In the field of ancient languages he could read the ancient Letter Poneglyph scattered across the world. Robin studied at the library tree in Ohara. Robin is the owner of the power of the devil Hana Hana fruit and he ate as a child. His strength is made to develop his limbs like a flower (hana). Make it act as a reliable long-distance attackers. Robin too lazy to move in a fight, toying with his enemies with long-range attacks such as bone breaks arm, leg or finger (Seis stance fleur, clutch). The downside of this power is also joined Robin felt the "pain" if the body which disebarnya also take a hit.

Personality and Relationships

Robin is a very intelligent woman and woke up his emotions, he was always quiet and read a book from the crew, other crews are very much embarrassed. He was first seen will be seen Jutek and Judes but it turns out he was an adult woman who rarely pay attention to issues surrounding people. He is close friends with Nami ship and often teach him something. Robin will be very suitable when traveling with Chopper because they are the same hobby, namely reading the book. Robin is the people who prefer living in various situations and remain calm and cool thinking. Robin was also described as the owner of "dark side", because the shadows of her past who has no friends. The past itself is something that most dreaded, because who has claimed everything until he became a darkness. Like when I met Robin Aokiji a calm personality became very panicked, and when he was exploited by CP9 on the past because of fears Buster Call.Robin also the kind of woman who likes to treason if there is anything that might harm her friends, she was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of her friends .

Devil of Ohara

After that, Robin became a fugitive worth 79 million Berry because he was a devil last from Ohara, children known to have been able to read ancient history Poneglyph. Because the government can not mention the actual crimes committed Nico Robin, the government include the reason that Robin had blown six naval vessels.
Robin lives with a move to move to seek protection. To earn money he worked occasionally in person, but apparently these people have cooperated with the government to capture Robin. Luckily, Robin was always alert and managed to escape.
Robin finally decided to work with the same crime as a fugitive, for example with the pirates. But Robin's goal is just to survive, so when Robin does not need them anymore, Robin betrayed them because he was worried in case his friend's betrayal first. This is a growing dark side of Robin, that take advantage of those willing to accept it and then leave them with destruction, but he himself survived. That is to say Aokiji. He continued to live like that while looking for Poneglyph in the world, then when their teens he was called by Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai to join him in the organization Baroque Works, because he can read Poneglyph (reasonable if the Crocodile know about the original crime Robin, because he is a member government).

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