Monday, 31 January 2011

Kabel Serat Optik

Serat optik adalah merupakan saluran transmisi atau sejenis kabel yang terbuat dari kaca atau plastik yang sangat halus dan lebih kecil dari sehelai rambut, dan dapat digunakan untuk mentransmisikan sinyal cahaya dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain. Sumber cahaya yang digunakan biasanya adalah laser atau LED. Kabel ini berdiameter lebih kurang 120 mikrometer. Cahaya yang ada di dalam serat optik tidak keluar karena indeks bias dari kaca lebih besar daripada indeks bias dari udara, karena laser mempunyai spektrum yang sangat sempit. Kecepatan transmisi serat optik sangat tinggi sehingga sangat bagus digunakan sebagai saluran komunikasi.

Perkembangan teknologi serat optik saat ini, telah dapat menghasilkan pelemahan (attenuation) kurang dari 20 decibels (dB)/km. Dengan lebar jalur (bandwidth) yang besar sehingga kemampuan dalam mentransmisikan data menjadi lebih banyak dan cepat dibandingan dengan penggunaan kabel konvensional. Dengan demikian serat optik sangat cocok digunakan terutama dalam aplikasi sistem telekomunikasi. Pada prinsipnya serat optik memantulkan dan membiaskan sejumlah cahaya yang merambat didalamnya.

Efisiensi dari serat optik ditentukan oleh kemurnian dari bahan penyusun gelas/kaca. Semakin murni bahan gelas, semakin sedikit cahaya yang diserap oleh serat optik.

Kelebihan Serat Optik

Dalam penggunaan serat optik ini, terdapat beberapa keuntungan antara lain :

  1. Lebar jalur besar dan kemampuan dalam membawa banyak data, dapat memuat kapasitas informasi yang sangat besar dengan kecepatan transmisi mencapai gigabit-per detik dan menghantarkan informasi jarak jauh tanpa pengulangan
  2. Biaya pemasangan dan pengoperasian yang rendah serta tingkat keamanan yang lebih tinggi
  3. Ukuran kecil dan ringan, sehingga hemat pemakaian ruang
  4. Imun, kekebalan terhadap gangguan elektromagnetik dan gangguan gelombang radio
  5. Non-Penghantar, tidak ada tenaga listrik dan percikan api
  6. Tidak berkarat


Penggunaan cahaya sebagai pembawa informasi sebenarnya sudah banyak digunakan sejak zaman dahulu, baru sekitar tahun 1930-an para ilmuwan Jerman mengawali eksperimen untuk mentransmisikan cahaya melalui bahan yang bernama serat optik. Percobaan ini juga masih tergolong cukup primitif karena hasil yang dicapai tidak bisa langsung dimanfaatkan, namun harus melalui perkembangan dan penyempurnaan lebih lanjut lagi. Perkembangan selanjutnya adalah ketika para ilmuawan Inggris pada tahun 1958 mengusulkan prototipe serat optik yang sampai sekarang dipakai yaitu yang terdiri atas gelas inti yang dibungkus oleh gelas lainnya. Sekitar awal tahun 1960-an perubahan fantastis terjadi di Asia yaitu ketika para ilmuwan Jepang berhasil membuat jenis serat optik yang mampu mentransmisikan gambar.

Di lain pihak para ilmuwan selain mencoba untuk memandu cahaya melewati gelas (serat optik) namun juga mencoba untuk ”menjinakkan” cahaya. Kerja keras itupun berhasil ketika sekitar 1959 laser ditemukan. Laser beroperasi pada daerah frekuensi tampak sekitar 1014 Hertz-15 Hertz atau ratusan ribu kali frekuensi gelombang mikro.

Pada awalnya peralatan penghasil sinar laser masih serba besar dan merepotkan. Selain tidak efisien, ia baru dapat berfungsi pada suhu sangat rendah. Laser juga belum terpancar lurus. Pada kondisi cahaya sangat cerah pun, pancarannya gampang meliuk-liuk mengikuti kepadatan atmosfer. Waktu itu, sebuah pancaran laser dalam jarak 1 km, bisa tiba di tujuan akhir pada banyak titik dengan simpangan jarak hingga hitungan meter.

Sekitar tahun 60-an ditemukan serat optik yang kemurniannya sangat tinggi, kurang dari 1 bagian dalam sejuta. Dalam bahasa sehari-hari artinya serat yang sangat bening dan tidak menghantar listrik ini sedemikian murninya, sehingga konon, seandainya air laut itu semurni serat optik, dengan pencahayaan cukup mata normal akan dapat menonton lalu-lalangnya penghuni dasar Samudera Pasifik.

Seperti halnya laser, serat optik pun harus melalui tahap-tahap pengembangan awal. Sebagaimana medium transmisi cahaya, ia sangat tidak efisien. Hingga tahun 1968 atau berselang dua tahun setelah serat optik pertama kali diramalkan akan menjadi pemandu cahaya, tingkat atenuasi (kehilangan)-nya masih 20 dB/km. Melalui pengembangan dalam teknologi material, serat optik mengalami pemurnian, dehidran dan lain-lain. Secara perlahan tapi pasti atenuasinya mencapai tingkat di bawah 1 dB/km.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Program Menghitung Luas "pascal" prosedure2

Program Prosedure tanpa parameter.

     WRITELN('HASIL LUAS      : ', P*L);

Program Menghitung Luas "pascal" prosedure1

Program ini mengunakan prosedure yang mengunakan hanya parameter masukan, dimana program ini untuk menghitung luas persegi panjang.
     WRITELN('HASIL           : ', A*B);

Program Menghitung Luas "pascal" prosedure

Program dibawah ini program menghitung luas persegi panjang dengan mengunakan prosedur yang mengunakan parameter masukan dan parameter keluaran..

     C := A*B;
     WRITELN('HASIL LUAS      : ', LUAS);

Program Menghitung Luas "pascal" function

Program dibawah ini adalah program menghitung luas persegi panjang dengan mengunakan function :

     LUAS := A*B;
     HASIL := LUAS(P,L);
     WRITELN('HASIL           : ', HASIL);

Nilai rata rata "pascal" prosedure

Program dibawah ini adalah program menghitung nilai rata-rata dengan menggunakan prosedure, prosedure dibawah ini adalah prosedure dari parameter masukan..

   RATA2                      : REAL;
     FOR A:=1 TO N DO
     WRITELN('NILAI RATA - RATA : ', RATA2:1:0);

Nilai rata rata "pascal"

Program ini adalah program menghitung nilai rata-rata dengan mengunakan fungsi function :
bisa di lihat dibawah ini bagaimana program utama dan badan program fungsi.

   RATA2                      : REAL;
     FOR A := 1 TO N DO

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Tony Tony Chopper "One Piece"

Tony Tony Chopper is the name of a fictional character from the anime and manga series One Piece. Chopper is a doctor in the Straw Hat Pirates. He is a member of the 6th who joined the group. By Eiichiro Oda in an SBS her column, her real name was "Tony Tony. Chopper" instead of "Tony. Tony Chopper"


He is a coward just like Nami and Usopp. He is also easy to believe in boasting Usopp's stories. Despite the fact he is very strong. Chooper also really pleased to be praised although the words the opposite of the expression that is raised.


Chopper was born as an odd-nosed reindeer blue. He was exiled by the other reindeer because of the weirdness. One day he ate the fruit of the devil type Zoan the Hito Hito. He was then able to speak and think like humans, and in the end he was banished by her parents.


He wanted to join with the humans. However, because human beings are like a monster, he also rejected by them. In the end she was dubbed a monster snow by a resident and then fired upon by residents.
At the time being hurt, being helped by Doctor Chopper Hiruluk, bogus doctor who hated the people because of disturbing, but good goal. Chopper then collected by him. Here Chopper feel the love from someone, Hiluluk consider Chopper as his own son, and he named Chopper by Hiluluk because his horns are very strong that it could split (Chop) tree.
Chopper and Hiluluk work together to complete the research (cherry), Chopper has not been told what she really careful with the doctor. Chopper is also often accompany Doctor to "work" in the population. Chopper also told the spirit of the pirate flag, which Hiluluk believe can cure all diseases.
One year passed, Hiluluk that a doctor had felt would soon die from the disease worse. Because not want Chopper sad to see his death, Hiluluk expel Chopper from home. After listening to reality with the eavesdropped conversation between Hiluluk with Kureha (fellow physician), Chopper wants to heal Hiluluk by finding the fungus in question by a resident. He misunderstood the "spirit of the pirate flag" as told Hiluluk with "symbol poison" that he found in medical books. Chopper then look for mushrooms that is mentioned in the book with great difficulty, over the mountain, jump over the gap to meet again with a group of deer that membecinya (He had to fight through a broken left horn). Chopper back with a battered, Hiluluk then feel sorry for Chopper and then let it together again. Hiluluk know if mold is toxic, but for Chopper him to take medicine from the fungus. Effect of fungus that is a direct cause of death in drinkers after 1 hour. Hiluluk know his death imminent, will finish his last job as a doctor, heal Isshi 20, the royal physician who reported being sick. He immediately ran towards the castle on the mountain. At that time, Kureha Hiluluk come to the house and find out why Hiluluk a hurry like that, Kureha then hit his stupidity and then Chopper Chopper know if mold is toxic. Chopper Hiluluk cry and pursuit.
When Hiluluk reached the top, on seeing the king Wapol was waiting, it turns out this is just a trick to finish off a cunning Wapol Hiluluk (Wapol hate Hiluluk). Feel cheated, Hiluluk then he sat down and said:
"" You can not kill me, when one will die? At their heart they are exposed to gun bullets? Not! When they suffer an incurable disease? Not! As they ate poisonous mushrooms? Also Not! But ... when they have forgotten by others. Although I'm gone, my dreams will come true, and the hearts of the inhabitants of the land that this pain will be cured. Soon a monster will come here, he is my son, do not touch him ""
then he drank the potion and blew himself up in front Wapol. Chopper until shortly after Hiluluk explode. He was angry but Dalton (commander of the royal army) to stop it, because they do not want to die Chopper ridiculous over there, because Dalton also understand what is meant Hiluluk earlier.
Chopper then went to the doctor Kureha and asked him to teach medical science that can cure all diseases. Kureha accept it and asked Chopper to call him "Dokterin".


Chopper and Dr. Kureha (Dokterin, english: Doctorine) are the inheritors of the spirit Hiluluk. Chopper taught about medical science and Kureha made his assistant. Chopper always accompanies Kureha when he was "hunting" the patient. Chopper used as reindeer sleigh pullers Kureha, so he called a witch.
6 months ago, when King Wapol go of fear because of Drum Kingdom was attacked by Kurohige, Chopper and Kureha occupied the castle on a mountain top, then change the flag merekag Drum Hiluluk Kingdom became the flag of the skull (a skull with many falling sakura) and decided to become their own castle .
(Especially anime) One day at around 6 months, the Chopper was dispensing medicine, but he did not deliberately mixing of foreign materials and inedible, making her body changing ungodly, this is the precursor to create Rumble Ball Chopper, pill can disrupt the shape change of the devil fruit. But after that, Chopper see Dokterin collapsed and fainted because of high fever. At that moment Chopper handed the task to be a "doctor" who treats his patients. So that was the first patient Chopper is a teacher himself. This story is in the Post story Arabasta (Post-Alabasta Arc).
At one time in about 6 months is also the first time Chopper changed to "Monster", because it has taken 3 Rumble ball, loss of consciousness and destroy a village. Then he fell unconscious for days, Kureha very anxious and then Chopper promised him not to do it again. There is a possibility that using it when Kurohige attacked the Chopper Drum Island and Chopper can only be away with this.


After fighting with Kumadori from CP9, he hunted score of 50 berries. This made him sad because he also fought like a man. Luffy says that he has struggled in the next battle. In a story in Shabondy Archipelago he was thrown into an island called Torino where the island was burunglah who became ruler.

Learning Medicine

Chooper the teleport Kuma, landed on an island inhabited by early humans and giant birds. The island is also an empire Torino. Chooper disarang landed initially but then a giant bird hunted by local people for food. Chooper also caring for a baby bird that got injured at their feet. Chooper life began to change when it managed to reconcile with the bird population that had been a misunderstanding. so far the birds think people will steal their eggs, but the residents just want to look for medicinal plants that grow around the nest of birds. Chooper that seemed to be a hero does not realize that on this island there is the world's largest medical library, Chooper pu learn the advanced medicine.
Two years later returned to the island Chooper Shabaody but there he was even confusion as to see the straw hat crew has changed, but that he're seeing is a fake straw hat crew.

Fighting Style & Rumble Ball

Chopper is one of the mainstay fighter of the Straw Hat Pirates. He fighter who relies on changes in its form. As the owner Zoan type Devil Fruit power, he only has an initial three states alone. First Heavy Point, this is the human form. Many have expected it as a Gorilla if he in this form. The second form of animal Walk Point, this is the original form in the form of Deer Pole. Then the human form of animals, this is a form that is often worn. many thought that he was a weasel when in this form. If he takes Rumble Ball, the change in his form increases, the point guard who made him turn into a round and thick fur around it. This is useful muffle the enemy blows. Then the jumping point that makes it has long legs and can jump high. Then the arm point that makes it has a strong arm muscles. Useful for hitting enemies. Then there is the Horn Point. Being used is a form of animal. Then there is the brain that makes it point to know the enemies weakness. His form in the brain is the point of human-animal forms. When Rumble Ball both eaten 6 hours before the first Rumble the Chopper can not control changes its form. When the third Ball Rumbell eaten in time not too long then it turned into a monster that can not distinguish between friend and enemy.


Sunday, 2 January 2011

Sanji "One Piece"

About Sanji

He is a chef in a straw hat pirate group. Have a wonderful gastronomy and reliable fighters in the group. Currently the number of prey are in a position to-4 with a value of 77 million berries.


Initially he was a candidate on a yacht chef. One day their ship was attacked Cook Pirate Zeff led by "The Red Legs." Then there are storms that cause large waves washed away Sanji. Zeff and help him. But they then were swept away and stranded on the island reefs. While Cook and the Pirate Ship Cruises The storm destroyed drowned. Both then survive on the coral island for decades day. At the beginning they were on the island reefs, Zeff give smaller parcels to Sanji, while he took a larger package. Sanji originally thought the parcel that was brought Zeff containing food such as hers. However, the packet contains only a mere property. To connect his life, Zeff ate his right leg (in anime anime Zeff told that the rupture caused by a punctured foot mast.) After Sanji megetahui it vowed to help the ideals that founded the restaurant floating Zeff.


He became the fifth member to officially join the straw hat pirates. Initially he refused, to the extent that the chefs and Zeff own pretend to say that food made Sanji bad. He later joined aspire to find all blue.Juga to return the favor to the old man who has been Saving Zeff his life by way of proving that the sea All Blue was there, because the pirates while he still he also had the same ideals with Sanji , to find all blue. But because he lost his legs when he saves lives Sanji, Sanji felt very guilty and indebted.

In Hell

Sanji previously teleport by Kuma, landed on the island Momorio. The island is also a Kamabaka kingdom whose inhabitants are all gay. Previously thought Sanji landed in Heaven because all parts of the island was beautiful and pink. Sanji then thought that this island is hell because of all the population is gay. This gay then chased Sanji Sanji go anywhere. Sanji who finally could not stand against, but the strength Sanji could not he used. In this island then Sanji beretmu Ivankov Kamabaka which is a royal queen. Sanji Luffy then asked about the Ivankov, but Ivankov not believe that he was a member of straw hat pirates. Sanji who felt cheated Iva challenging fight, but again lost Sanji. Iva who then sorry to tell state and gave Luffy Sanji food. Food provided by Iva turned out to be food that can awaken latent kekeuatan someone who ate it. Sanji then requested recipes on Iva, but Iva says that if Sanji Want a recipe that she has to beat all the knights Kamabaka.

Two years later returned to the Island Sanji Shabaody and seems very anxious because it's been two years of not seeing women. Sanji and Zoro was assigned to look for and they met on the beach and the competition involved.

Personality and Appearance

He is the kind of guy who is crazy about women, the appearance quite handsome with blond hair and a short straight and circular-shaped eyebrows funny, but do not fit with his maniac would a woman. But behind his attitude that he had great respect for women. When fighting with Califa from CP9 he lost because he holds the principle would not hit a woman even unto death. Even when the Thriller Bark story when his shadow was stolen and a penguin, he can not kick her face even very bad. He was a heavy smoker. Strongly in maintaining the appearance that looks cool, even when he came to rescue his partner would pose first. Sanji is the clothing worn blue striped shirt and black jacket. When in Eniess Lobby in using orange shirt with a striped black vest. He never wanted the fruit-Suke Suke who can make it disappear so she can peek women taking a bath without getting caught, but after he knew that the fruit has been consumed by Absalom, Sanji make it as a personal vendetta. Moreover Again After knowing that Absalom had previously used the power of the fruit to peek nami who was in the shower. Though they are both the same type of people .. (eye basket and female lovers.)

Fighting Style

Sanji is a fighter who relies on his legs. He seemed to inherit the knowledge of Zeff. The hand is a precious treasure for a chef, that's why Sanji rarely use the hand when fighting, except when using knives while against Wanze, chef fighters train over the Puffing Tom. This is an exception because Wanze (also a chef) to fight with using food as a weapon, which means the same as wasting food. Fighting style similar to the fighting style Capoeira Tae Kwon Do and this makes many people amazed by his ability to fight, Sanji inherited the ability Zeff in a fight and can sort themselves have reached superhuman levels equivalent to the power of the devil fruit user, Sanji can fight without relying on unlike any other people usually. Because he has the strength, speed, and Resilience Body on Average - the average human being ever.

Kick Attacks Sanji

* 'Jump Diable' (Devil leap), Sanji Play-contorting his body (like dancing) and swiping his right leg to the ground so that his feet naturally cause a fire. Kicks can be stamped jabura until his bones broken. Because of this stance Sanji nicknamed "the Black Foot." Kick was first used against Jyabura (CP9 member) in a fire arise Enies Lobby.Setelah Sanji can use 2 other jutsu, namely:

* 'Frits Assortie' Sanji kicked linkaran at high speed causing the fire-circle and then attack the enemy (similar to the stance Hiken owned Ace)

* 'Flamberge' Sanji kick with a vengeance until the fire is on her feet move to the opponent's body entirely, tubu opponent until the fire was dragged out.

* 'Brochete'

Sanji jumped onto the opponent's body and set one foot while spinning. Kick it overthrows Jerry, the karate fighter with 1 attack.

* 'Veau Shot'

Kick was first used during the fight Mr.2 in Alubarna (royal capital Arabasta).

* 'Flanchet Shot'

Sanji enemy attacked several times the upper (head, neck, chest, shoulders) with one leg.

* 'Mouton Shot'

One of Sanji's strongest kick stance that attacks the central part of the body such as stomach and pushing it with the power leg very hard.

* 'Concasse'

Sanji rolled his body like a lap top and then kick the opponent. Kick was first used against the priest on the Island Sky Skypiea Satori.

* 'Collier' (neck)
* 'Epaule' (Shoulders)
* 'Gigot' (feet)
* 'Longe' (Ridge)
* 'Queue' (Bone Head)
* 'Cuisseau' (calf)
* 'Jarret' (Dry Bones)

* 'Three point Decoupage'

dodge enemy attacks first and then kick the enemy with three kick hard and fast, this moment was first used against wanze (cp7) in the fight puffing tom.

* 'Anti-Manner Kick Course'

strong kick towards the top to be used to attack objects that are very large, very powerful kekuatanya. First used to knock out a giant crocodile Crocodile owned by a single attack while helping Ruffi Sanji and the other from the prison Alabasta, then used again as Davy back fight in the game has also been used when fighting with the OZ from Thriller Bark.

* 'Party Table Kick Course'

round and round with a foot on it to fight the enemy there are huge numbers

* 'Oeil' (eye)
* 'Nez' (nose)
* 'Joue' (cheek)
* 'Bouche' (mouth)
* 'Dent' (tooth)
* 'Menton' (chin)

* 'Ge shoot'

shots are used to change the face Duval!


* Armée del'air
* Diable Jump Premier Hache (minced meat no. 1) Sanji Kicking Toward insistently around the chest.
* Diable Flambage Jump shot (kick flames) Sanji Kicking towards the cheek and Menghentakkannya To Land. Used to beat jabura


* By Eiichiro Oda, Sanji symbolizing animal duck
* Sanji left eye that had never seen because her hair covered. When fans asked the author Eiichiro Oda she only replied that this is one of the wonders of the world
* He comes from the North Blue.


Saturday, 1 January 2011

Usopp/Soge King "One Piece"

Usopp is the name of a fictional character from the manga and anime series One Piece. Usopp is the expert marksman in the straw hat pirates. As a third person to join, Usopp is a member of the most cowardly and always avoid the fighting.
Usopp name probably came from the USO and isopp word of Japanese language which means both people are telling lies or fairy tales.


Captain Usopp

In the village of Syrup, calling himself Captain Usopp Usopp and their three young children Piman, Ninjin and Tamanengi form a group of "pirates" Usopp.
Usopp is the son of Yasopp, snipers from the pirate Shanks. Yasopp long gone from the village. At that time, Usopp's mother ill, and Usopp comforted by saying "pirates came, the father had come home" for her mother kept trying to live. After his mother died, Usopp continued to shout about it in the village. Villagers allow it because they think there are dreams and expectations therein. Sometimes they are angry and chasing Usopp. Villagers also consider routinely shout it as an alarm for immediate work.
Perhaps because the thought of his mother who died of illness, Usopp always entertaining Rich, a sickly girl because her parents died. Usopp always tell the story a lie to make the rich become more healthy.
After the arrival of Luffy, Nami, Roronoa Zoro and simultaneously with the arrival of the pirate group Kuroneko, Usopp (Usopp pirates and groups) involved in direct combat with them to protect the village and Rich. Their leader, Captain Kuro is disguised as a personal servant for 3 years after Rich got his wealth.

The Pirate Usopp

After the battle with a group of pirates Kuroneko. Usopp intends to become a real pirate and pirate groups disband Usopp. Luffy invites incoming members and Luffy Usopp made a sniper because together with his father Yasopp. Usopp also draw a straw hat pirate flag and always wanted to be captain.


During entered the Grand Line, Usopp feels that he is very weak, especially after beating an all-out by Franky Family. Usopp to lose confidence because he's the weakest person on board. After a series of conflicts with members of the crew Water 7, Usopp declared out of the Straw Hat pirates and eventually arrested by the CP9.
After being released by Sanji on the story train sea chase, go after hearing the story Usopp Nico Robin, and then (quickly) back again wearing a mask and cape and renamed itself Sogeking. He helped Sanji Nico Robin and Franky help and ended up in the train Rocketman. All members of the Straw Hat pirate groups (except Luffy and Chopper), Franky family, and Galley-La carpenter realized that it Sogeking Usopp.
In the battle Enies Lobby, he and others tried to rescue Robin and to the Hall of Justice, here Usopp left in the First Gate. After successfully bring two giant Oimoo and Kaashi, and Usopp holding their rebellion and to the Hall of Justice. Usopp arrived at the top along with other members. After hearing the request of Robin, Luffy government sent him to burn the flag that flew atop the tower as a sign of a declaration of war. When in the Tower Court, and Usopp Usopp meet Jyabura defeated. Roronoa Zoro fortunate fall from the top where they fought and he immediately ran to the rear. Then by accident, Usopp and Zoro's arm locked in handcuffs, ultimately they could not fight until Zoro Usopp got the idea to make a "sword" in his right arm named Hana Arashi (Hana means flower here), after Chopper monster came and broke into their place , then Nami came to open their handcuffs. Once again Usopp badly hurt by Jyabura but soon please by Sanji, Usopp sent him to "do what you can do." Usopp toward the top of the tower, and he fired darisana Spandam and other naval hostage Robin. Having successfully survived, Usopp fell because Buster Call shot, but survived and was taken along with Zoro and Sanji by road under water, but they are hampered flood and drowned and then rescued by Granny Kokoro.
On top of Bridge Doubt, Usopp (without mask) came towards Luffy and said if he had to win while the members will be waiting for him, after that he fought with 200 Captains of the navy to another.
Usopp who always hears strange voices that called him finally find out if that sounds Going Merry, and with the others, they fled from Enies Lobby with Merry.
After that, Usopp undercover into Sogeking back in front of Luffy. Moments later, the Going Merry that exceeds the limits its ability to be buried, at first Usopp said that at the time separation must be calm, but in the end, he was crying too.
After the battle at Ennies Lobby, Sogeking (Usopp) has a price of 30 million berries after being convicted for burning the flag of the World Government.
Sogeking name comes from the word Sogeki (Japan), which means expert marksman and King which means king. So the mean king Sogeking expert marksman. According Sogeking, he comes from the island Sogeki which he said "found in your heart." Also Sogeking also create their own theme song.


Usopp is a big liar (although usually it is useful to the crew lie), and perhaps inspired by Pinocchio nose length. Although a liar, Usopp is someone who (really want) to have high self-esteem. But if there is a battle, he fled in fear and even meet with an enemy that can not be imagined before (like God Enel) and finally against it.
Usopp other properties that also he was very timid, or that's what he thought. In situations mepet, Usopp will be more daring, especially if there is a disturbing crew. Despite shortcomings in terms of race, Usopp is the most courageous and brave among his best friend.
Usopp is a person who is always joking on the crew, especially with Luffy and Chopper (because the other crew was not listening). He also liked to talk (lie) on the Chopper as a loyal listener. He is also the person that is drawing artistic pirate flag emblem straw hat. Usopp too little admired and envied Roronoa Zoro, because he is one who never describe the fear and courageous in whatever.
Usopp also fear that if land into an island (which he called the disease-could not-landing-on-island) and easily ignored by his friend. Usopp believe that his friend needed it. Trickery and wit has saved his friend from a variety of hazards. Usopp stories that often tell a lie on his opponent as he has 8000 followers.
Usopp aspiration is to become a brave hero all over the sea like his father. He also had another dream is to go to the villages of the heroes of the giant, Elbaf

Become Knights

Usoop the teleport Kuma, landed on an island called Pulau Boin. The island is actually a giant carnivorous plants that live on this plant several species of animals and plants. The plants and animals are attracted to the surface of carnivorous plants are overgrown with delicious foods. In this island is also the life of a knight named Heraklisn that help the preformance Usoop distress. because the quantity of food contained in this island became the Usoop gemmuk and hard to move. After reading the newspapers which preach Usoop Luffy conditions, Usoop ask Heraklisn to teach him a knight.
Two years later returned to the Island Usoop Shabaody and Nami met in a bar. Usoop then showed his new weapon capable of removing the man-eating plant to a fake straw hat crew.

Expertise and Strength

Usopp is an experienced expert marksman with a gun ship. His weapon is a slingshot and have many kinds of bullets. He can also take advantage of the situation to fight. Usopp Zoro who also like to be alive after losing a lot of blood (like when fighting Mr.4).
Greatest expertise is running very fast. Fighting is guerrilla tactics, after the attack from a distance ran. Ammunition from ketapelnya very diverse, like rotten eggs, explosives, smoke bombs and bullets normally, pachinko (iron balls used for gambling). In addition there are other weapons, including weapons such as hammers 5 tons of jokes (which is actually only 2 kg), Usopp Noise (scrape the nail into a board that says make the ears tickled), Usopp Spell (shouting words that scary), and use the Dial obtained from Skypiea.
Usopp is also a skilled person, she makes room in his ship called the factory Usopp. Also the most loved Usopp Going Merry and fix it.
Types of attacks Usopp
Hissatsu: Hammer Suisei Chopper Usopp use the horn as a slingshot and fired a hammer with it, be used against Mr. 4.
Hissatsu: Kaen Boshi Usopp firing the bullet that could burn the enemy. Used against Chuu at Arlong Park arc.
Kemuri Boshi Usopp firing the bullet that could lead to fog. Used against Mr.4 and while running away from Enies Lobby.
Boshi Tabascho Usopp firing a bullet that can make your opponent with the pungency of chili. Used against Mr.5.


Usopp was 17 years old and was born on April 1st (April Fools day)
The back of the head can be seen on posters Usopp Luffy fugitive.
By Eiichiro Oda, Usopp animal symbolizes Armadillo.
By Eiichiro Oda again, Usopp's nose length is 9 inches.
Sometimes if afraid, Usopp lied by saying she had a recurrence of the disease such as disease-Can-Join No-Match, No-Can-Landed-On-Island and If-Not-Eat-Food-Small-You-Will-Die. Of course, (was) false.
Usopp experiments in his lab produces weird tools like Usopp Aaaaaaaaah (belt strap which can go out automatically) and Oktopakutsu (shoes octopus to climb walls).
Ironically, as told to lie Usopp Rich has always been a reality in the Grand Line, like meeting a giant goldfish (in Little Garden) and met the legendary mole (Miss.Merry Christmas). Maybe one day he will have 8000 followers.