Papan ketik (bahasa Inggris: keyboard) atau kibor adalah peranti untuk mengetik atau memasukkan huruf, angka, atau simbol tertentu ke perangkat lunak atau sistem operasi yang dijalankan oleh komputer.
Triple Exposure
Papan ketik terdiri atas tombol-tombol berbentuk kotak dengan huruf, angka, atau simbol yang tercetak di atasnya. Dalam beberapa sistem operasi, apabila dua tombol ditekan secara bersamaan, maka akan memunculkan fungsi khusus atau pintasan yang telah diatur sebelumnya.
Ada berbagai jenis tata letak tombol pada papan ketik. Akan tetapi, yang paling populer dan umum digunakan adalah tata letak QWERTY, meniru sistem tata letak mesin ketik.
Papan ketik tipe baru biasanya mempunyai tombol tambahan di atas tombol fungsi (F1, F2, dst.) untuk mempermudah pengguna dalam mengoperasikan komputer. Selain itu, papan ketik baru juga sudah banyak yang mendukung teknologi nirkabel.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
VGA (Video Graphics Adapter)
VGA, singkatan dari Video Graphics Adapter, adalah standar tampilan komputer analog yang dipasarkan pertama kali oleh IBM pada tahun 1987. Walaupun standar VGA sudah tidak lagi digunakan karena sudah diganti oleh standar yang lebih baru, VGA masih diimplementasikan pada Pocket PC. VGA merupakan standar grafis terakhir yang diikuti oleh mayoritas pabrik pembuat kartu grafis komputer. Tampilan Windows sampai sekarang masih menggunakan modus VGA karena didukung oleh banyak produsen monitor dan kartu grafis.
God Willin' & The Creek Don't Rise
Istilah VGA juga sering digunakan untuk mengacu kepada resolusi layar berukuran 640×480, apa pun pembuat perangkat keras kartu grafisnya. Kartu VGA berguna untuk menerjemahkan keluaran komputer ke monitor. Untuk proses desain grafis atau bermain permainan video, diperlukan kartu grafis yang berdaya tinggi. Produsen kartu grafis yang terkenal antara lain ATI dan nVidia.
Selain itu, VGA juga dapat mengacu kepada konektor VGA 15-pin yang masih digunakan secara luas untuk mengantarkan sinyal video analog ke monitor. Standar VGA secara resmi digantikan oleh standar XGA dari IBM, tetapi nyatanya VGA justru digantikan oleh Super VGA.
God Willin' & The Creek Don't Rise
Istilah VGA juga sering digunakan untuk mengacu kepada resolusi layar berukuran 640×480, apa pun pembuat perangkat keras kartu grafisnya. Kartu VGA berguna untuk menerjemahkan keluaran komputer ke monitor. Untuk proses desain grafis atau bermain permainan video, diperlukan kartu grafis yang berdaya tinggi. Produsen kartu grafis yang terkenal antara lain ATI dan nVidia.
Selain itu, VGA juga dapat mengacu kepada konektor VGA 15-pin yang masih digunakan secara luas untuk mengantarkan sinyal video analog ke monitor. Standar VGA secara resmi digantikan oleh standar XGA dari IBM, tetapi nyatanya VGA justru digantikan oleh Super VGA.
A motherboard is the central printed circuit board (PCB) in many modern computers and holds many of the crucial components of the system, while providing connectors for other peripherals. The motherboard is sometimes alternatively known as the main board, system board, or, on Apple computers, the logic board. It is also sometimes casually shortened to mobo.
Prior to the advent of the microprocessor, a computer was usually built in a card-cage case or mainframe with components connected by a backplane consisting of a set of slots themselves connected with wires; in very old designs the wires were discrete connections between card connector pins, but printed circuit boards soon became the standard practice. The Central Processing Unit, memory and peripherals were housed on individual printed circuit boards which plugged into the backplane.
During the late 1980s and 1990s, it became economical to move an increasing number of peripheral functions onto the motherboard (see below). In the late 1980s, motherboards began to include single ICs (called Super I/O chips) capable of supporting a set of low-speed peripherals: keyboard, mouse, floppy disk drive, serial ports, and parallel ports. As of the late 1990s, many personal computer motherboards supported a full range of audio, video, storage, and networking functions without the need for any expansion cards at all; higher-end systems for 3D gaming and computer graphics typically retained only the graphics card as a separate component.
The early pioneers of motherboard manufacturing were Michronics, Mylex, AMI, DTK, Hauppauge, Orchid Technology, Elitegroup, DFI, and a number of Taiwan-based manufacturers.
The most popular computers such as the Apple II and IBM PC had published schematic diagrams and other documentation which permitted rapid reverse-engineering and third-party replacement motherboards. Usually intended for building new computers compatible with the exemplars, many motherboards offered additional performance or other features and were used to upgrade the manufacturer's original equipment.
The term mainboard is archaically applied to devices with a single board and no additional expansions or capability. In modern terms this would include embedded systems and controlling boards in televisions, washing machines, etc. A motherboard specifically refers to a printed circuit with the capability to add/extend its performance.
Most computer motherboards produced today are designed for IBM-compatible computers, which currently account for around 90% of global PC sales[citation needed]. A motherboard, like a backplane, provides the electrical connections by which the other components of the system communicate, but unlike a backplane, it also connects the central processing unit and hosts other subsystems and devices.
A typical desktop computer has its microprocessor, main memory, and other essential components connected to the motherboard. Other components such as external storage, controllers for video display and sound, and peripheral devices may be attached to the motherboard as plug-in cards or via cables, although in modern computers it is increasingly common to integrate some of these peripherals into the motherboard itself.
An important component of a motherboard is the microprocessor's supporting chipset, which provides the supporting interfaces between the CPU and the various buses and external components. This chipset determines, to an extent, the features and capabilities of the motherboard.
Modern motherboards include, at a minimum:
* sockets (or slots) in which one or more microprocessors may be installed
* slots into which the system's main memory is to be installed (typically in the form of DIMM modules containing DRAM chips)
* a chipset which forms an interface between the CPU's front-side bus, main memory, and peripheral buses
* non-volatile memory chips (usually Flash ROM in modern motherboards) containing the system's firmware or BIOS
* a clock generator which produces the system clock signal to synchronize the various components
* slots for expansion cards (these interface to the system via the buses supported by the chipset)
* power connectors, which receive electrical power from the computer power supply and distribute it to the CPU, chipset, main memory, and expansion cards.
Additionally, nearly all motherboards include logic and connectors to support commonly used input devices, such as PS/2 connectors for a mouse and keyboard. Early personal computers such as the Apple II or IBM PC included only this minimal peripheral support on the motherboard. Occasionally video interface hardware was also integrated into the motherboard; for example, on the Apple II and rarely on IBM-compatible computers such as the IBM PC Jr. Additional peripherals such as disk controllers and serial ports were provided as expansion cards.
Given the high thermal design power of high-speed computer CPUs and components, modern motherboards nearly always include heat sinks and mounting points for fans to dissipate excess heat.
Prior to the advent of the microprocessor, a computer was usually built in a card-cage case or mainframe with components connected by a backplane consisting of a set of slots themselves connected with wires; in very old designs the wires were discrete connections between card connector pins, but printed circuit boards soon became the standard practice. The Central Processing Unit, memory and peripherals were housed on individual printed circuit boards which plugged into the backplane.
During the late 1980s and 1990s, it became economical to move an increasing number of peripheral functions onto the motherboard (see below). In the late 1980s, motherboards began to include single ICs (called Super I/O chips) capable of supporting a set of low-speed peripherals: keyboard, mouse, floppy disk drive, serial ports, and parallel ports. As of the late 1990s, many personal computer motherboards supported a full range of audio, video, storage, and networking functions without the need for any expansion cards at all; higher-end systems for 3D gaming and computer graphics typically retained only the graphics card as a separate component.
The early pioneers of motherboard manufacturing were Michronics, Mylex, AMI, DTK, Hauppauge, Orchid Technology, Elitegroup, DFI, and a number of Taiwan-based manufacturers.
The most popular computers such as the Apple II and IBM PC had published schematic diagrams and other documentation which permitted rapid reverse-engineering and third-party replacement motherboards. Usually intended for building new computers compatible with the exemplars, many motherboards offered additional performance or other features and were used to upgrade the manufacturer's original equipment.
The term mainboard is archaically applied to devices with a single board and no additional expansions or capability. In modern terms this would include embedded systems and controlling boards in televisions, washing machines, etc. A motherboard specifically refers to a printed circuit with the capability to add/extend its performance.
Most computer motherboards produced today are designed for IBM-compatible computers, which currently account for around 90% of global PC sales[citation needed]. A motherboard, like a backplane, provides the electrical connections by which the other components of the system communicate, but unlike a backplane, it also connects the central processing unit and hosts other subsystems and devices.
A typical desktop computer has its microprocessor, main memory, and other essential components connected to the motherboard. Other components such as external storage, controllers for video display and sound, and peripheral devices may be attached to the motherboard as plug-in cards or via cables, although in modern computers it is increasingly common to integrate some of these peripherals into the motherboard itself.
An important component of a motherboard is the microprocessor's supporting chipset, which provides the supporting interfaces between the CPU and the various buses and external components. This chipset determines, to an extent, the features and capabilities of the motherboard.
Modern motherboards include, at a minimum:
* sockets (or slots) in which one or more microprocessors may be installed
* slots into which the system's main memory is to be installed (typically in the form of DIMM modules containing DRAM chips)
* a chipset which forms an interface between the CPU's front-side bus, main memory, and peripheral buses
* non-volatile memory chips (usually Flash ROM in modern motherboards) containing the system's firmware or BIOS
* a clock generator which produces the system clock signal to synchronize the various components
* slots for expansion cards (these interface to the system via the buses supported by the chipset)
* power connectors, which receive electrical power from the computer power supply and distribute it to the CPU, chipset, main memory, and expansion cards.
Additionally, nearly all motherboards include logic and connectors to support commonly used input devices, such as PS/2 connectors for a mouse and keyboard. Early personal computers such as the Apple II or IBM PC included only this minimal peripheral support on the motherboard. Occasionally video interface hardware was also integrated into the motherboard; for example, on the Apple II and rarely on IBM-compatible computers such as the IBM PC Jr. Additional peripherals such as disk controllers and serial ports were provided as expansion cards.
Given the high thermal design power of high-speed computer CPUs and components, modern motherboards nearly always include heat sinks and mounting points for fans to dissipate excess heat.
Tampilan kristal cair
Tampilan kristal cair (Inggris: Liquid Crystal Display) juga dikenal sebagai LCD adalah suatu jenis media tampilan yang menggunakan kristal cair sebagai penampil utama. LCD sudah digunakan di berbagai bidang misalnya dalam alat-alat elektronik seperti televisi, kalkulator ataupun layar komputer. Kini LCD mendominasi jenis tampilan untuk komputer desktop maupun notebook karena membutuhkan daya listrik yang rendah, bentuknya tipis, mengeluarkan sedikit panas, dan beresoulusi tinggi.
Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation
Pada LCD berwarna semacam monitor terdapat banyak sekali titik cahaya (piksel) yang terdiri dari satu buah kristal cair sebagai sebuah titik cahaya. Walau disebut sebagai titik cahaya, namun kristal cair ini tidak memancarkan cahaya sendiri. Sumber cahaya di dalam sebuah perangkat LCD adalah lampu neon berwarna putih di bagian belakang susunan kristal cair tadi.
Titik cahaya yang jumlahnya puluhan ribu bahkan jutaan inilah yang membentuk tampilan citra. Kutub kristal cair yang dilewati arus listrik akan berubah karena pengaruh polarisasi medan magnetik yang timbul dan oleh karenanya akan hanya membiarkan beberapa warna diteruskan sedangkan warna lainnya tersaring.
Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation
Pada LCD berwarna semacam monitor terdapat banyak sekali titik cahaya (piksel) yang terdiri dari satu buah kristal cair sebagai sebuah titik cahaya. Walau disebut sebagai titik cahaya, namun kristal cair ini tidak memancarkan cahaya sendiri. Sumber cahaya di dalam sebuah perangkat LCD adalah lampu neon berwarna putih di bagian belakang susunan kristal cair tadi.
Titik cahaya yang jumlahnya puluhan ribu bahkan jutaan inilah yang membentuk tampilan citra. Kutub kristal cair yang dilewati arus listrik akan berubah karena pengaruh polarisasi medan magnetik yang timbul dan oleh karenanya akan hanya membiarkan beberapa warna diteruskan sedangkan warna lainnya tersaring.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
lensa adalah sebuah alat untuk mengumpulkan atau menyebarkan cahaya, biasanya dibentuk dari sepotong gelas yang dibentuk. Alat sejenis digunakan dengan jenis lain dari radiasi elektromagnetik juga disebut lensa, misalnya, sebuah lensa gelombang mikro dapat dibuat dari "paraffin wax".
Kanta paling awal tercatat di Yunani Kuno, dengan sandiwara Aristophanes The Clouds (424 SM) menyebutkan sebuah gelas-pembakar (sebuah kanta cembung digunakan untuk memfokuskan cahaya matahari untuk menciptakan api).
Tulisan Pliny the Elder (23-79) juga menunjukan bahwa gelas-pembakar juga dikenal Kekaisaran Roma, dan disebut juga apa yang kemungkinan adalah sebuah penggunaan pertama dari kanta pembetul: Nero juga diketahui menonton gladiator melalui sebuah emerald berbentuk cekung (kemungkinan untuk memperbaiki myopia).
Seneca the Younger (3 SM - 65) menjelaskan efek pembesaran dari sebuah gelas bulat yang diisi oleh air. Matematikawan muslim berkebangsaan Arab Alhazen (Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn Al-Haitham), (965-1038) menulis teori optikal pertama dan utama yang menjelaskan bahwa lensa di mata manusia membentuk sebuah gambar di retina. Penyebaran penggunaan lensa tidak terjadi sampai penemuan kaca mata, mungkin di Italia pada 1280-an.
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Kanta paling awal tercatat di Yunani Kuno, dengan sandiwara Aristophanes The Clouds (424 SM) menyebutkan sebuah gelas-pembakar (sebuah kanta cembung digunakan untuk memfokuskan cahaya matahari untuk menciptakan api).
Tulisan Pliny the Elder (23-79) juga menunjukan bahwa gelas-pembakar juga dikenal Kekaisaran Roma, dan disebut juga apa yang kemungkinan adalah sebuah penggunaan pertama dari kanta pembetul: Nero juga diketahui menonton gladiator melalui sebuah emerald berbentuk cekung (kemungkinan untuk memperbaiki myopia).
Seneca the Younger (3 SM - 65) menjelaskan efek pembesaran dari sebuah gelas bulat yang diisi oleh air. Matematikawan muslim berkebangsaan Arab Alhazen (Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn Al-Haitham), (965-1038) menulis teori optikal pertama dan utama yang menjelaskan bahwa lensa di mata manusia membentuk sebuah gambar di retina. Penyebaran penggunaan lensa tidak terjadi sampai penemuan kaca mata, mungkin di Italia pada 1280-an.
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